Youngkin Tilting at Windmills, Releases Bogus RGGI “Report'
RGGI has also already delivered hundreds of millions inacross Hampton Roads to cope with sea-level rise, an encroaching slow-motion disaster flooding properties along our coast, with another foot of water coming in just the next few decades. RGGI investments will help avert the $5 billion in sea-level rise damages expected every year along the economic engine of our coast.
Rather than recognizing, celebrating, and reporting on RGGI’s real world performance, Wheeler’s report reads like an extended press release, with cynical talking points about inflation, taxes, and the “emergency” of our high electric rates . The fact-challenged screed is a flimsy fig leaf by which the frosh governor might — might — fecklessly attempt to strike a law by fiat. And he would do so on behalf of the Big Polluter lobby that’s taken up residence in this brand new governor’s single term.
If Youngkin has a genuine interest in tackling Virginia’s high electric rates, which yes, as of 2020 according to federalare way too high, he’d be wise to consider that that is precisely why RGGI invests directly in energy efficiency and zero-fuel-cost clean energy. These untapped energy independence resources are exactly what we need to reduce Virginians’ costs-of-living, geopolitical vulnerability, and price shocks from imported fossil fuels.