'It’s going to take some time for me to rewire my brain to use this app without beating myself up and just let go of what I look like and what I’m doing.'
teens prefer the BeReal app over Instagram so it looks like we are headed in the right direction.
First, I fumbled my way through using this app. I did like how there weren’t tons of pictures for me to scroll through, since you have to be “friends” with someone in order to see any pictures. Since I didn’t have any friends — until I begged my teenagers to add me,Within minutes I was prompted — unlike other apps, you get prompted by BeReal to share at a certain time — to share a photo, and my heart started to pound.
I told him I thought that’s what you were supposed to do: post a picture of what you are doing without posing, adding a filter, or acting like you have a more exciting life than you really do. To which he responded, “You are a noob,” then had to catch up with his SnapChatting. I posted anyway as a service to the teenagers who follow me so they can get a glimpse into their future life.I like the concept behind it and wish all social media apps had started this way. I think it’s a healthier approach to sharing your life, the things you are doing, and a better look at what people actually look like. But I am already tainted by other social media apps; I hesitated to post