NYCC: Williamson_Josh to take over Superman with Jamal Campbell
In January 2023, Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths writer Joshua Williamson and Nightwing artist Jamal Campbell will launch a new, ongoing Superman title. In the new comic, which launches in the new year with Superman #1,"Superman has returned to Metropolis and his greatest enemy Lex Luthor is finally behind bars," according to the book's solicitaiton.
"When I started this book, I knew it was going to be about Lex," Williamson told"I knew that it was going to be about Clark and Lois and Jimmy, and it was going to be very much an iconic presentation of Superman, and it was me trying to find my way into Superman. And the way I was able to find my way into Superman was through Lex, and using Lex. He's a major player in this book.
"Lex admits that at this point in his life, he has realized the world needs Superman," Williamson said."Think about who Lex Luthor is, and his ego. For him to admit that, for him to actually come to the conclusion the world needs Superman, what does that mean for him? And how does Lex translate that?...And the way he does is, 'If the world needs Superman, it's going to be my Superman.' And it translates to, 'I need Superman to admit that he also needs me.
"We know Clark has an ear out, and you know he listens for certain people," Williamson explained."We know he listens for Ma and Pa Kent. We know he listens for Lois, and we know he listens for Jon. We know he listens for Bruce. You know he listens for Lex. And here's the thing, Lex knows that.