Nov. 2022 Election: Q&A with Amy Reichert, candidate for San Diego County supervisor [Opinion]
We have already paid for these roads, and the money raised will go public transportation that is wildly inconvenient to use. It is not the government’s job to force people to drive less and profit from it. Once this tax is in place, it is a guarantee that it will only get higher and never go away. Let’s find practical solutions to climate change that work. Let’s modernize our public transportation system instead of throwing more money empty buses.
A: In June 2020, I began to question the government’s COVID-19 response. Instead of locking down 100 percent of human behavior, it made sense to me that we really needed to protect our most vulnerable.of the hospitalizations and deaths were people who were elderly, obese, and/or struggled with multiple co-morbidities.
As your next supervisor, I will strive for timely responses. In the case of monkeypox, there should have been swift implementation of public education resources targeted to at-risk populations on how to limit the spread and vaccines made available to those who want it and are in the high-risk groups.