McDonald's sales are up, but the chain is also raising menu prices broadly. Like in the UK, where it just hiked the prices of cheeseburgers.
so many aspects of daily life around the world right now, partly as a function of the extra billions of dollars that governments pumped into the economy during the Covid pandemic. And you don’t have to have an economics degree to understand why an action like that is not at all consequence-free. If a huge injection of money floods the economy, that leads to people having more money to buy things than usual. Prices then have to go up so that stores don’t get wiped out.
In the UK, specifically, the chain has pointed to a wave of price increases taking effect throughout the summer. A 20p increase in the price of McDonald’s cheeseburgers there is now in effect. It’s an increase, in fact, that hasn’t happened in more than 14 years.
🍔 McDonald’s has raised the price of its cheeseburger in the UK for the first time in more than 14 years.