Spider-Man has no shortage of crime-fighting powers with one ability standing above the rest, his ability to insult and annoy his opponents, but the latest issue of The Amazing Spider-Man exposes its one weakness.
As he has proven time and again in his seemingly endless battle against New York City’s army of evil-doers, Spider-Man has no shortage of fantastic abilities he uses to carry out vigilante justice across his city–though one surprising super-villain exposes the one way to kill Spider-Man’s greatest crime-fighting power.
Peter Parker became Spider-Man after he was bitten by a radioactive spider, an event that granted him all the abilities of a spider including heightened relative strength, speed, the ability to crawl on walls and even the know-how to make his own webbing.
Spider-Man is known for his ability to annoy his enemies enough that they lash out in frustration and leave themselves completely open to attack. This technique works perfectly against those who are physically stronger than Spider-Man. Spider-Man was even able to defeat the powerful villain Regent with only a joke and a well-timed punch.
It seems as though Spider-Man’s ability to annoy his villains to the point where they create the means of their own failure is linked to a few of his other skill sets. Spider-Man is practically untouchable in a fight due to his heightened reflexes and his spider-sense alerting him of any nearby danger. There's a reason Mysterio declares Spider-Man to be Marvel's most annoying hero.
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