When parents have two separate health insurance plans, the question on whose plan is going to cover the newborn child is often unclear.
"When this happens, it creates an opportunity for each insurance company to point the finger at the other," said Sabrina Corlette, J.D., the co-founder and director at Georgetown University."And more often than not the patient or the consumer falls through the cracks and gets stuck with the bill."
Under the Texas Insurance Code, state regulated health plans, held by 15% of Texans, are required to follow the"birthday rule." CareFirst BlueChoice did not respond to questions from CBS 11 News, however, after CBS 11 News contacted both of Lewises' insurance companies, the Dallas couple said they received a call from Baylor Scott and White. A hospital representative told the family it has escalated its case and is working with CareFirst BlueChoice to cover the bill.
"In the U.S. we have this very fractured system of health insurance," Corlette explained."The burden is almost always on the individual, the consumer, to navigate the system and big trouble for you if you get it wrong."