In an exclusive Newsweek essay, former Saturday Night Live writer Hugh Fink addresses Trump's recent comments.
When it comes to earth-shattering historical events that have occurred during my lifetime, the questions most often asked are,"Where were you when JFK was assassinated?" and"Where were you when the planes hit the World Trade Center?" And now we must add another question:"Where were you whenWhat makes this news particularly sobering for me, a proud former SNL writer, is that it was being delivered by someone widely admired for his brilliant comic wit: Donald John Trump.
Or the time Dr. Zinner, my elderly dentist informed me that a sketch I wrote starring Britney Spears didn't work because it"had no ending." Unsurprisingly, my dentist had no idea who Britney Spears was. Or the time the Anti-Defamation League protested a sketch I wrote for being both unfunny and anti-Semitic, even though the sketch got huge laughs, and I'm Jewish.
I'll never forget thinking to myself: One day this guy's going to have his own line of discontinued steaks, open and close his own failed university and then get impeached twice by the U.S. House of Representatives.