'I thought for sure my best years would be over by my mid-30s, and I've never been so happy to be so wrong.'
I am sitting alone by the window in my favorite bistro while counting down the minutes until I go and buymovie ticket. It wasn’t long ago when I would have been too self-conscious to spend an evening like this. But a child-free opportunity presented itself at the last minute, and instead of seeing if anyone could join me, I spent the time painting my toenails blue and trimming my split ends.
Part of that bullshit is saying no to things we really want to do because we are afraid we might get hurt, fail, or maybe we are afraid that the life we know and are comfortable living will somehow change.We’ve all said “no” when we really wanted to say “yes.” We’ve all wasted time being hurt about things that were none of our business and given a fuck about too many people we never should have.
I believe getting to know yourself takes time. Just like a garden, our happiness needs tending. We have to do some weeding and watering to reap the rewards. We learn what we will welcome and what we need to let go of in order to be happy. It means knowing no one can fill your heart and soul with the things you need except you. It’s in our nature to look outside ourselves for happiness. I catch myself doing it all the time. And now, I don’t care if Prince Charming shows up at my door promising me a lifetime of health and calorie-free chocolate cake — it won’t be enough if I don’t feel like I’m being true to myself first.