New York City inspectors say they found a huge illegal swimming pool on a Brooklyn rooftop.
They say the pool was not permitted and not up to code.
The pool was 4 feet deep so officials say the water on the roof of the occupied apartment building would weigh just shy of 60 tons when the pool was filled.The city said the pool was "removed" but SkyFOX was over the building Thursday afternoon and the pool was still in place, albeit drained of water.
They remind all residents not to try to build a rooftop swimming pool without first getting permits and hiring professionals to do the job properly."New York. We know. It’s hot. We get it. But please don’t try to build a rooftop swimming pool without first getting permits and hiring professionals to do the job properly,"
. "This 480 sqft pool we just found in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, wasn’t built to Code and had to be removed."