For the kind of everyday cooking that most of us are doing to keep ourselves fed, jarlic will do just fine
Generally, I’m not the kind of home cook that hates to do a bunch of involved prep work for a recipe. In fact, there’s often nothing I find more meditative than chopping a mirepoix for soup, taking care to make sure that each cube of vegetable is roughly uniform. And mostly, I don’t even mind the tedious task of mincing garlic, which. But when I’m exhausted after a long day, or too depressed to make a really involved meal, I resort to jarred garlic, or as I call it, jarlic.
I’d be lying if I said that TikTok didn’t play at least a minor role in my change of heart. My feed is, perhaps not surprisingly, dominated by food videos of all kinds, my favorite of which come from home cooks making their beloved family recipes. In my hours of scrolling, I noticed that almost all of these homespun creators were tossing massive heaps of pre-minced garlic into their dishes. At first I was pretty grossed out, but the recipes themselves often looked so compelling.
. Ingredient snobs can often fail to recognize that convenience ingredients like jarred garlic can be invaluable for people of all kinds, including those with disabilities that make cooking a challenge and those who may not be able to afford keeping their kitchens stocked with fresh produce.