Ocular migraines can make it difficult to live your life as usual.
All right, how do we get your regular vision back, stat? Treatment for ocular migraine is similar to treating other types of migraine episodes, and there are plenty of options out there.ocular migraine and not something else
“We don’t see any changes [from an ocular migraine] during an eye exam,” Colleen Halfpenny, M.D., a cornea surgeon at Wills Eye Hospital, tells SELF. But, she says, she usually encourages people with symptoms to come into the office to make sure they don’t have any issues such as retinal detachment , since it can cause similar symptoms and damage your vision if left untreated.
If you're experiencing ocular migraine on a regular basis and it's interfering with your life, it's a good idea to talk to your doctor about various migraine treatment methods. Migraine treatments are typically split into abortive and preventive therapies.Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen and aspirin are helpful for some people at halting a migraine episode, but they may not work for severe or chronic migraine.