Bridgeland: Vote country over party. J.D. Vance, advances myth election was rigged
, had stirred up a mob to storm the Capitol and commit violence to interfere with the certification of those elections.
And what if Clinton and Gore had undercut faith in our elections, instead of conceding for the good of the country. I think Republicans would have been rightfully outraged.Americans feel strongly about issues of immigration, the economy, taxes, regulation, and in all cases their freedoms. Having a lively debate about those issues is what makes America great. But we cannot do that if it’s all about power — ensuring one party maintains it, even against the will of the majority of Americans.
Without a democracy — without Americans supporting a system that honors the will of the people, supports the peaceful transfer of power, and fosters adherence to the rules of the system, we will gravitate toward authoritarian rule and policy debates won’t be possible.