“She’s sturdier than she looks!”
And because I have to walk several blocks to toss my compost, I need something that’s easy to haul, and with its barely there weight, this fits the bill. I occasionally feel as if I’m cosplaying a coal miner with a lunch pail, but then I see other hot, environmentally conscious New Yorkers rolling up to the market with their own Bamboozle bins swinging on their arms, and it’s a look I can get behind.
But let’s be real: The real challenge of organic-waste disposal isn’t looking cute while doing it; it’s the stank. Stank and guilt are what guided me on my compost journey, and while my guilt is unconquerable, I am pleased to report that the Bamboozle’sOver the summer, I left town for a few days. Normally, I’d stash the bin in the fridge while I was away and thewas off, but this time, despite the bin being semi-full, I forgot.